Chi ama ricamare, spesso, ama anche leggere. Forse perchè sia il ricamo che i libri portano un senso di pace, richiedono concentrazione e stimolano immaginazione, creatività e gioia.
Perciò, care amiche, sto cercando di stilare una bibliografia di romanzi (rosa, gialli, noir, fantasy o altro) che abbiano, sullo sfondo della trama, ricamo, maglia, uncinetto, cucito, moda in modo importante (che tutto sia quindi legato imprescindibilmente). Sono quelli che nei Paesi anglosassoni chiamano i Needlework Fiction Books.
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Needlework Fiction Books
La bibliografia è in ordine alfabetico di autore e, dove possibile, aggiungo accanto al titolo un simbolo che indica l'argomento principale:- cucito ✂
- maglia 💛
- moda 👗
- patchwork 💙
- ricamo 💜
- uncinetto 💚
Al termine della lista, ho aggiunto un elenco specifico di letteratura per bambini e ragazzi. Oltre al simbolo, troverete l'indicazione dell'età consigliata per la lettura.
- Amanda Addison, Taglia, cuci, ama, Newton Compton, Roma 2012. Tit. orig.: Laura's Handmade Life ✂👗 mlol
- Lucy Adlington, Il nastro rosso, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2023. Tit. orig.: The red ribbon mlol ✂👗💜
- Marella Agnelli, La signora Gocà, Adelphi, Milano 2015 👗
- Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Punto pieno, Feltrinelli, Milano 2021 💜 mlol
- Isabella Alan, Murder, Plain and Simple, 2013 (Amish Quilt Shop Mystery; 1) ✂💙
- Isabella Alan, Murder, Simply Stitched, 2014 (Amish Quilt Shop Mystery; 2) ✂💙
- Isabella Alan, Murder, Served Simply, 2014 (Amish Quilt Shop Mystery; 3) ✂💙
- Isabella Alan, Murder, Plainly Read, 2015 (Amish Quilt Shop Mystery; 4) ✂💙
- Isabella Alan, Murder, Handcrafted, 2016 (Amish Quilt Shop Mystery; 5) ✂💙
- Kate Alcott, La ricamatrice di segreti, Tre60, Milano 2012. Tit. orig.: The Dressmaker ✂👗
- Isabel Allende, Ines dell'anima mia, Feltrinelli, Milano 2006. Tit. orig.: Ines del alma mia 💜mlol
- Alon Altaras, La vendetta di Maricika, Voland, Roma 2006. Tit. orig.: Hanekama shel Maricika ✂
- Erica Arosio-Giorgio Maimone, Mannequin. Per Greta e Marlon il delitto è di moda, Mursia 2023 ✂👗
- Marlene Averbeck, L'atelier dei sogni, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2022 (Saga dei Lichtenstein ; 1). Tit. orig.: Modehaus der Träume ✂👗 mlol
- Marlene Averbeck, Modehaus der Hoffnung (Saga dei Lichtenstein ; 2) ✂👗
- Marlene Averbeck, Modehaus der Illusionen (Saga dei Lichtenstein ; 3) ✂👗
- Tabea Bach, Il profumo della seta, Giunti, Firenze 2022. Tit. orig.: Die Seidenvilla mlol
- Tabea Bach, Lo splendore della seta, Giunti, Firenze 2023. Tit. orig.: Im Glanz der Seidenvilla
- Tabea Bach, Das Vermächtnis der Seidenvilla, Lübbe, 2020
- Tabea Bach, Weihnachten in der Seidenvilla, Lübbe, 2021
- Marina Bacchiani, Un piccolo delitto di provincia, UNI Service, Trento 2006 👗
- Leanne Banks, Cuore e cioccolato, Harlequin Mondadori, Milano 2006. Tit. orig.: Feet first 👗 mlol
- Maria Cecilia Barbetta, Sartoria Los Milagros, Keller, Rovereto 2014. Tit. orig.: Aenderungsschnederei Los Milagros ✂
- Adelaide Barigozzi, Vico dell'amor perfetto: un'indagine per taglie forti, Frilli, Genova 2017 👗 mlol
- Adelaide Barigozzi, Una sfilata rosso sangue: un'altra indagine per taglie forti, Frilli, Genova 2020 👗 mlol
- Adelaide Barigozzi, Rime mortali a Camogli: una nuova indagine per taglie forti, Frilli, Genova 2023 👗 mlol
- Anne Bartlett, Knitting. A novel, Penguin, 2007 💛
- Ilene Beckerman, Love loss and what I wore
- Celeste Bennett, Knitting Up a Murder, Island City, 2017 (Yarn Genie Mystery; 1) 💛
- Celeste Bennett, Hooked Into Murder, Island City, 2017 (Yarn Genie Mystery; 2) 💛
- Celeste Bennett, Murder at Yarn Mansion, Island City, 2018 (Yarn Genie Mystery; 3) 💛
- Celeste Bennett, Wedding Lace Murder, Island City, 2020 (Yarn Genie Mystery; 4) 💛
- Vanora Bennett, La tessitrice di arazzi, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2009. Tit. orig.: Figures in silk
- Elizabeth Berg, L'arte di ricucire, Corbaccio, Milano 2006. Tit. orig.: The art of mending ✂
- Stefania Bertola, Biscotti e sospetti, Tea, Milano 2015 ✂
- Heidi Betts, Tangled Up in Love, St Martins, 2009 (Chicks with Sticks; 1)
- Heidi Betts, Loves Me, Loves Me Not, St Martins, 2009 (Chicks with Sticks; 2)
- Heidi Betts, Knock Me for a Loop, St Martins, 2010 (Chicks with Sticks; 3)
- Pamela Binnings Ewen, La regina n. 5, il romanzo di Coco Chanel, Libreria Pienogiorno, 2022. Tit. orig.: A Queen of Paris, the novel of Coco Chanel 👗 mlol
- Juliet Blackwell, L'atelier segreto di Parigi, Newton Compton, 2022. Tit. orig.: The Paris Showroom ✂ mlol
- Luciana Boccardi, La signorina Crovato, Fazi, Roma 2021 💜 mlol
- Luciana Boccardi, Dentro la vita, Fazi, Roma 2021 💜 mlol
- Janet Bolin, Dire Threads, 2011 (Threadville Mystery; 1)
- Janet Bolin, Threaded for Trouble, 2012 (Threadville Mystery; 2)
- Janet Bolin, Thread and Buried, 2013 (Threadville Mystery; 3)
- Janet Bolin, Night of the Living Thread, 2014 (Threadville Mystery; 4)
- Janet Bolin, Seven Threadly Sins, 2015 (Threadville Mystery; 5)
- Melissa Bourbon, Pleating for Mercy, 2011 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 1) ✂
- Melissa Bourbon, A Fitting End, 2012 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 2) ✂
- Melissa Bourbon, Deadly Patterns, 2012 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 3) ✂
- Melissa Bourbon, A Custom-Fit Crime, 2013 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 4) ✂
- Melissa Bourbon, A Killing Notion, 2014 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 5) ✂
- Melissa Bourbon, A Seamless Murder, 2015 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 6) ✂
- Melissa Bourbon, Bobbin for Answers, 2023 (Magical Dressmaking Mystery; 7) ✂
- Sarah Bower, La bellezza e il peccato, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2012. Tit. orig.: The Needle in the Blood 💜
- Virginia Bramati, Omicidio in cashmere, Giunti, Firenze 2024 mlol
- Barbara Taylor Bradford, Il segreto di Emma, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2005. Tit. orig.: Emma's secret 👗
- Barbara Bretton, Casting Spells, Berkley, 2008 (Sugar Maple; 1)
- Barbara Bretton, Laced with Magic, Thorndike, 2010 (Sugar Maple; 2)
- Barbara Bretton, Spun by Sorcery, 2018 (Sugar Maple; 3)
- Barbara Bretton, Charmed (Sugar Maple; 3.5)
- Barbara Bretton, Spells & Stitches, Penguin, 2011 (Sugar Maple; 4)
- Barbara Bretton, Enchanted. The Wedding Story, 2018 (Sugar Maple; 5)
- Barbara Bretton, Entangled. The Homecoming, 2018 (Sugar Maple; 6)
- Barbara Bretton, Enraptured. The Discovery, 2019 (Sugar Maple; 7)
- Barbara Bretton, Enthralled. The Decision, 2022 (Sugar Maple; 8)
- Maggie Bruce, Murder Most Crafty, Berkley, 2006
- Jessica Bull, Orgoglio, delitti e pregiudizio, Piemme, Milano 2024. Tit. orig.: Miss Austen investigates ✂ mlol
- Cristina Caboni, La stanza della tessitrice, Garzanti, Milano 2019 mlol
- Kristy Cambron, La sarta di Chanel, Newton Compton, 2021. Tit. orig.: The Paris Dressmaker ✂ mlol
- Andrea Camilleri, L'altro capo del filo, Sellerio, Palermo 2016 ✂ mlol
- Anne Canadeo, While my Pretty One Knits, 2009 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 1) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, Knit, Purl, Die, 2009 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 2) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, A Stitch before Dying, 2010 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 3) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, Till Death Do Us Purl, 2012 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 4) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, The Silence of the Llamas, 2013 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 5) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, A Dark and Stormy Knit, 2014 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 6) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, The Postman always Purl Twice, 2015 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 7) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, A Murder in Mohair, 2015 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 8) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, Knit to Kill (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 9) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, Purls and Poison, 2018 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 10) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, Hounds of the Basket Stitch, 2018 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 11) 💛
- Anne Canadeo, Strangers on a Skein, 2021 (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries; 12) 💛
- Annalisa Canestrelli, La figlia della ricamatrice, Libromania, 2019 💜
- Kathy Cano-Murillo, Miss Scarlet's School of Patternless Sewing, Grand Central Pub, 2011 ✂ mlol audiolibro
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Sew Deadly, 2009 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 1) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Death Threads, 2010 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 2) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Pinned for Murder, 2010 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 3) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Deadly Notions, 2011 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 4) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Dangerous Alterations, 2011 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 5) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Reap What You Sew, 2012 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 6) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Let It Sew, 2012 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 7) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Remnants of Murder, 2013 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 8) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Taken In, 2014 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 9) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Wedding Duress, 2015 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 10) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Needle and Dread, 2016 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 11) ✂
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey, Patterned After Death, 2017 (A Southern Sewing Circle; 12) ✂
- Silvia Cavalieri, La sarta di montagna, Ilmiolibro, 2011 ✂
- Matteo Cellini, Cate, io, Fazi, Roma 2013 mlol
- Mary Chamberlain, La sarta di Dachau, Garzanti, Milano 2016. Tit. orig. The Dressmaker of Dachau ✂ mlol
- Tracy Chevalier, La dama e l'unicorno, Neri Pozza, Vicenza, 2010. Tit. orig.: The Lady and the Unicorn 💜 mlol
- Tracy Chevalier, L'innocenza, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2020. Tit. orig.: Burning Bright mlol
- Tracy Chevalier, La ricamatrice di Winchester, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2020. Tit. orig.: A Single Thread 💜 mlol
- Tracy Chevalier, L'ultima fuggitiva, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2020. Tit. orig.: The Last Runaway ✂💙 mlol
- Jennifer Chiaverini, La sarta di Mary Lincoln, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2014. Tit. orig.: Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker ✂ mlol
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Quilter's Apprentice, 1999 (Elm Creek Quilts; 1) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, Round Robin, 2000 (Elm Creek Quilts; 2) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Cross-Country Quilters, 2001 (Elm Creek Quilts; 3) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Runaway Quilt, 2002 (Elm Creek Quilts; 4) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Quilter's Legacy, 2003 (Elm Creek Quilts; 5) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Master Quilter, 2004 (Elm Creek Quilts; 6) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Sugar Camp Quilt, 2005 (Elm Creek Quilts; 7) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Christmas Quilt, 2005 (Elm Creek Quilts; 8) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, Circle of Quilters, 2006 (Elm Creek Quilts; 9) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Quilter's Homecoming, 2007 (Elm Creek Quilts; 10) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The New Year's Quilt, 2007 (Elm Creek Quilts; 11) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Winding Ways Quilt, 2008 (Elm Creek Quilts; 12) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Quilters' Kitchen, 2008 (Elm Creek Quilts; 13) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Lost Quilter, 2009 (Elm Creek Quilts; 14) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, A Quilters' Holiday, 2009 (Elm Creek Quilts; 15) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Aloha Quilt, 2010 (Elm Creek Quilts; 16) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Union Quilters, 2011 (Elm Creek Quilts; 17) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Wedding Quilt, 2011 (Elm Creek Quilts; 18) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, Sonoma Rose, 2012 (Elm Creek Quilts; 19) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Giving Quilt, 2012 (Elm Creek Quilts; 20) ✂💙
- Jennifer Chiaverini, The Christmas Boutique, 2019 (Elm Creek Quilts; 21) ✂💙
- Agatha Christie, Miss Marple, i delitti deliziosi, Mondadori, Milano 2021💛 mlol
- Jill Churchill, A Farewell to Yarns, 1991 (Jane Jeffry; 2) 💛
- Benedetta Cibrario, Per ogni parola perduta, Mondadori, Milano 2022 ✂ mlol
- Sophie Claire, The Christmas Holiday, Hodder & Stoughton, London 2019
- Emily Clare, Fall From Lace, (A Spinters' Sewing Circle Regency Cozy Mystery ; 1)
- Emily Clare, A Murder Unleashed, (A Spinters' Sewing Circle Regency Cozy Mystery ; 2)
- Emily Clare, Needled to Death, (A Spinters' Sewing Circle Regency Cozy Mystery ; 3)
- Emily Clare, What Tangled Webs, (A Spinters' Sewing Circle Regency Cozy Mystery ; 4)
- Emily Clare, A Patchwork Deception, (A Spinters' Sewing Circle Regency Cozy Mystery ; 5)
- Susanna Clarke, Le dame di Grace Adieu e altre storie, Fazi, Roma 2022. Tit. orig.: The Ladies of Grace Adieu 💜 mlol
- Wilkie Collins, Il diario di Anne Rodway, Libreria Croce, 2021 . Tit. orig.: The Diary of Anne Rodway ✂
- Dilly Court, The Button Box, HarperCollins, 2017
- Elizabeth Craig, Quilt or Innocence, 2012 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 1) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Knot What It Seams, 2013 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 2) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Quilt Trip, 2013 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 3) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Shear Trouble, 2014 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 4) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Tying the Knot, 2015 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 5) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Patch of Trouble, 2016 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 6) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Fall to Pieces, 2017 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 7) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Pressed for Time, 2017 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 8) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Rest in Pieces, 2018 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 9) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, On Pins and Needles, 2018 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 10) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Fit To Be Tied, 2019 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 11) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Embroidering the Truth, 2020 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 12) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Knot a Clue, 2020 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 13) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Quilt-Ridden, 2021 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 14) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, Needled to Death, 2021 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 15) ✂💙
- Elizabeth Craig, A Notion to Murder, 2022 (Southern Quilting Mystery; 16) ✂💙
- Kathy Cranston, Knitting is Murder (Bee's Bakehouse Mysteries; 2) 💛
- Maurizio Cucchi, La vita docile, Mondadori, Milano 2020 ✂ mlol
- Sijie Dai, Balzac e la piccola sarta cinese, Adelphi, Milano 2004. Tit. orig.: Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise ✂
- Sandra Dallas, Persian Picckle Club, Griffin 2014 💙
- Di Davis, Death & Dyeing, (Dusky Cove Yarn And Quilting Cozy Mystery Book ; 1) 💛💙
- Reagan Davis, Knit One, Murder Two, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 1) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Killer Cables, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 2) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Murder & Merino, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 3) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Twisted Stitches, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 4) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Son of a Stitch, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 5) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Crime Skein, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 6) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Sins & Needles, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 7) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Rest in Fleece, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 8) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Life Crafter Death, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 9) 💛
- Reagan Davis, In Stitchness and in Health, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 10) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Bait & Stitch, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 11) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Murder, it Seams, (A Knitorious Murder Mistery Book ; 12) 💛
- Reagan Davis, Neighbourhood Swatch. A Knitorious Cozy Mystery Short Story 💛
- Giancarlo De Cataldo, Il bacio del calabrone. Un caso per Manrico Spinori, Einaudi, Torino 2024 👗 mlol
- Valentina Di Cesare, Marta la sarta, Tabula Fati, 2014 ✂
- Karen Dickson, The Dressmaker's Secret, Simon & Schuster 2021 ✂
- Nicole R. Dickson, Casting Off , Nal, 2009 💛
- Gioia Diliberto, The Collection, New Publisher 2021 ✂
- Anthony Doerr, La città fra le nuvole. Rizzoli, milano 2022. Tit. orig.: Cloud Cuckoo Land 💜mlol
- Poppy Dolan, The Wolly Hat Knitting Club, Canelo, London 2017 💛 mlol audiolibro
- Emma Donoghue, Il nastro rosso, Meridiano Zero, Bologna 2012 ✂
- Anne Donovan, Gone are the Leaves, Canongate Books, 2014 💜
- Tracey Drew, Knitted and Knifed, (A Knitty Kitties Mystery ; 1) 💛
- Tracey Drew, Purled and Poisoned, (A Knitty Kitties Mystery ; 2) 💛
- Tracey Drew, Hanks and a Hitman, (A Knitty Kitties Mystery ; 3) 💛
- Tracey Drew, Striped and Strangled, (A Knitty Kitties Mystery ; 4) 💛
- Tracey Drew, Slip-Stitched & Slayed, (A Knitty Kitties Mystery ; 5) 💛
- Maria Duenas, La notte ha cambiato rumore, Mondadori, Milano 2015. Tit. orig.: El tiempo entre costuras ✂ mlol
- Catherine Dunne, Una buona madre, Guanda, 2022 💙 mlol
- Peggy Ehrhart, Murder, She Knit, 2018 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 1) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, Died in the Wool, 2018 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 2) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, Knit One, Died Two, 2019 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 3) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, Silent Knit, Deadly Knit, 2019 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 4) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, A Fatal Yarn, 2020 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 5) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, Knit of the Leavind Dead, 2020 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 6) 💛 mlol audiolibro
- Peggy Ehrhart, Knitty Gritty Murder, 2021 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 7) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, Death of a Knit Wit, 2022 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 8) 💛 mlol audiolibro
- Peggy Ehrhart, Irish Knit Murder, 2023 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 9) 💛
- Peggy Ehrhart, Knitmare on Beech Street, 2023 (Knit & Nibble Mistery; 10) 💛
- Kelli Estes, The girl who wrote in silk, Sourcebooks, Naperville 2015 💜
- Natalie Meg Evans, La ladra di vestiti, Rizzoli, Milano 2014. Tit. orig.: The Dress Thief ✂👗 mlol
- Natalie Fergie, The Sewing Machine, 2017 ✂
- April Fernsby, The Knitting Pattern Mystery (A Psichic Cafe Mistery; 4) 💛
- April Fernsby, The Cross Stitch Puzzle (A Psichic Cafe Mystery; 5) 💜
- Monica Ferris, Crewel World, Berkley Prime Crime, New York 1999 (Needlecraft Mystery; 1) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Framed in Lace, Berkley Prime Crime, New York 1999 (Needlecraft Mystery; 2) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, A Stitch in Time, Berkley Prime Crime, New York 2000 (Needlecraft Mystery; 3) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Unraveled Sleeve, Berkley Prime Crime, New York 2001 (Needlecraft Mystery; 4) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, A Murderous Yarn, Berkley Prime Crime, New York 2002 (Needlecraft Mystery; 5) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Hanging by a Thread, 2003 (Needlecraft Mystery; 6) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Cutwork, 2003 (Needlecraft Mystery; 7) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Crewel Yule, 2004 (Needlecraft Mystery; 8) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Embroidered Truths, 2005 (Needlecraft Mystery; 9) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Sins and Needles, 2006 (Needlecraft Mystery; 10) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Knitting Bones, 2007 (Needlecraft Mystery; 11) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Thai Die, 2008 (Needlecraft Mystery; 12) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Blackwork, 2009 (Needlecraft Mystery; 13) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Buttons and Bones, 2010 (Needlecraft Mystery; 14) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, Threadbare, 2011 (Needlecraft Mystery; 15) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, And Then You Dye, 2012 (Needlecraft Mystery; 16) 💜💛
- Monica Ferris, The Drowning Spool, 2014 (Needlecraft Mystery; 17) 💜💛 mlol audiolibro
- Monica Ferris, Darned, if You Do, 2015 (Needlecraft Mystery; 18) 💜💛 mlol audiolibro
- Monica Ferris, Knit your Own Murder, 2016 (Needlecraft Mystery; 19) 💜💛 mlol audiolibro
- Melissa Fu, Nella terra dei peschi in fiore, Nord, Milano 2022. Tit. orig.: Peach blossom spring 💜 mlol
- Agnès Gabriel, Merci, Monsieur Dior, Giunti, Firenze 2021. Tit. orig.: Merci, Monsieru Dior 👗 mlol
- Marius Gabriel, Il sarto di Parigi, Newton Compton, Roma 2019. Tit. orig.: The designer ✂ mlol
- Paul Gallico, La signora Harris, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2013 ✂👗 mlol
- Valter Garatti, Il merletto: storia di Ann, Panda, Castelfranco Veneto 2021 💜
- Ilaria Gaspari, La reputazione, Guanda, 2024 👗
- Sally Goldenbaum, Death by Cashmere, 2008 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 1) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Patterns in the Sand, 2009 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 2) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Moon Spinners, 2010 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 3) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Holiday Yarn, 2010 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 4) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, The Wedding Shaw, 2011 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 5) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Fatal Fleece, 2012 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 6) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Angora Alibi, 2013 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 7) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Murder in Merino, 2014 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 8) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Finely Knit Murder, 2015 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 9) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Trimmed with Murder, 2015 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 10) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Murder at Lambswool Farm, 2016 (Seaside Knitters Mystery; 11) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, Murder Wears Mittens, 2017 (Seaside Knitters Society Mystery; 1) 💛 mlol audiolibri
- Sally Goldenbaum, How to Knit a Murder, 2018 (Seaside Knitters Society Mystery; 2) 💛 mlol audiolibri
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Murderous Tangle, 2019 (Seaside Knitters Society Mystery; 3) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Crime of a Different Stripe, 2020 (Seaside Knitters Society Mystery; 4) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Dark and Snowy Night, 2022 (Seaside Knitters Society Mystery; 5) 💛
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Patchwork of Clues, 2019 (Queen Bees Quilt Shop Mystery; 1) ✂💙
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Thread of Darkness, 2019 (Queen Bees Quilt Shop Mystery; 2) ✂💙
- Sally Goldenbaum, A Bias for Murder, 2019 (Queen Bees Quilt Shop Mystery; 3) ✂💙
- Evie Grace, A Thimbleful of Hope
- Patience Griffin, To Scotland with Love, 2014 (Kilts and Quilts; 1) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, Meet Me in Scotland, 2015 (Kilts and Quilts; 2) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, Some Like it Scottish, 2015 (Kilts and Quilts; 3) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, The Accidental Scot, 2015 (Kilts and Quilts; 4) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, The Trouble with Scotland, 2016 (Kilts and Quilts; 5) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, It Happended in Scotland, 2017 (Kilts and Quilts; 6) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, The Laird and I, 2015 (Kilts and Quilts; 6.5) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, Blame it on Scotland, 2018 (Kilts and Quilts; 7) ✂💙
- Patience Griffin, Kilt in Scotland, 2019 (Kilts and Quilts; 8) ✂💙
- Rosalie Ham, The Dressmaker, Mondadori, Milano 2016. Tit. orig.: The Dressmaker ✂ mlol
- Robyn Harding, Unravelled, Berkley, 2008
- Sadie Hartwell, Yarned and Dangerous, 2015 (Tangled Web Mistery; 1)
- Sadie Hartwell, A Knit Before Dying, 2017 (Tangled Web Mistery; 2)
- Rachel Hauck, Il vestito da sposa, Newton Compton, Roma 2017. Tit. orig.: The Wedding Dress ✂ mlol
- Elizabeth Hawes, Fashion is spinach: how to beat the fashion racket
- Ann Hazelwood, Quilters of the Door, (Door Country Quilt Series ; 1) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, Door to Door Quilts, (Door Country Quilt Series ; 2) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, The Tannenbaum Christmas Quilt, (Door Country Quilt Series ; 3) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, Quilted Cherries, (Door Country Quilt Series ; 4) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, Christmas Surprises at the Door, (Door Country Quilt Series ; 5) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, For the Love of Quilts, (Wine Country Quilt Series ; 1) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, Lily Girl's Christmas Quilt, (Wine Country Quilt Series ; 2) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, Quilted Secrets, (Wine Country Quilt Series ; 3) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, The Christmas Wish Quilt, (Wine Country Quilt Series ; 4) 💙
- Ann Hazelwood, The Quilt Left Behind, (Wine Country Quilt Series ; 5) 💙
- Betty Hechtman, Hooked on Murder, 2008 (Crochet Mystery; 1) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Dead Men Don't Crochet, 2008 (Crochet Mystery; 2) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, By Hook or by Crook, 2009 (Crochet Mystery; 3) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, A Stitch in Crime, 2010 (Crochet Mystery; 4) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Your Better Knot Die, 2010 (Crochet Mystery; 5) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Behind the Seams, 2011 (Crochet Mystery; 6) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, If Hooks Could Kill, 2012 (Crochet Mystery; 7) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, For Better or Worsted, 2013 (Crochet Mystery; 8) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Knot Guilty, 2014 (Crochet Mystery; 9) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Seams Like Murder, 2016 (Crochet Mystery; 10) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Hooking for Trouble, 2016 (Crochet Mystery; 11) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, On the Hook, 2018 (Crochet Mystery; 12) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Hooks Can Be Deceiving, 2018 (Crochet Mystery; 13) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, One for the Hooks, 2021 (Crochet Mystery; 14) 💚
- Betty Hechtman, Yarn to Go, 2013 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 1) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, Silence of the Lamb's Wool, 2014 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 2) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, Wound Up in Murder, 2015 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 3) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, Gone with the Wool, 2016 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 4) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, A Tangled Yarn, 2017 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 5) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, Inherit the Wool, 2018 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 6) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, Knot on your Life, 2019 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 7) 💛
- Betty Hechtman, But Knot for Me, 2021 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 8) 💛 mlol audiolibro
- Betty Hechtman, Knot a Game, 2022 (Yarn Retreat Mystery; 9) 💛
- Laura Hendrie, Remember me
- Paul Heyse, La ricamatrice di Treviso, in "Nuova Antologia", a. 38, fasc. 765 (1903), p. 98-113. Tit. orig.: Die Stickerin von Treviso, in: Das Mädchen von Treppi. Italienische Liebesgeschichten 💜 online in lingua originale
- Suzette A. Hill, A little murder 💜
- Suzette A. Hill, The Venetian venture 💜
- Suzette A. Hill, A Southwold mystery 💜
- Suzette A. Hill, Shot in Southwold 💜
- Suzette A. Hill, The Cambridge Plot 💜
- Ann Hood, Il club dei ricordi perduti, Tea, 2015. Tit. orig.: The Knitting Circle 💛
- Ann Hood [edited by], Knitting Yarns. Writers on Knitting, Norton & Co, 2014 💛
- Alison Houtte, Melissa Houtte, Alligators, old mink & new money
- Laura Imai Messina, Le vite nascoste dei colori, Einaudi, Torino 2022 💜
- Carolina Invernizio, Storia di una sartina, Edarc, 2015 (ebook) ✂
- Anne Jacobs, La villa delle stoffe, Giunti, Firenze 2018. Tit. orig.: Die Tuchvilla ✂ mlol
- Anne Jacobs, Le ragazze della villa delle stoffe, Giunti, Firenze, 2019. Tit. orig.: Die Töchter der Tuchvilla ✂ mlol
- Anne Jacobs, L'eredità della villa delle stoffe, Giunti, Firenze 2020. Tit. orig.: Das Erbe der Tuchvilla ✂ mlol
- Anne Jacobs, Ritorno alla villa delle stoffe, Giunti, Firenze 2021. Tit. orig.: Rückkehr in die Tuchvilla ✂ mlol
- Anne Jacobs, Tempesta sulla villa delle stoffe, Giunti, Firenze 2022. Tit. orig.: Sturm über die Tuchvilla ✂ mlol
- Anne Jacobs, Incontro alla villa delle stoffe, Giunti, Firenze 2023. Tit. orig.: Wiedersehen in der Tuchvilla ✂ mlol
- Anne Jacobs, La ragazza dell'atelier Rosen, Giunti, Firenze 2022 ✂
- Anne Jacobs, Appuntamento all'atelier Rosen, Giunti, Firenze 2023 ✂
- Kate Jacobs, Le amiche del venerdì sera, Piemme, Casale Monferrato, 2008 (Friday Night Knitting Club; 1). Tit. orig.: The Friday Night Knitting Club 💛 mlol
- Kate Jacobs, Le sorprese del venerdì sera, Piemme, Casale Monferrato, 2009 (Friday Night Knitting Club; 2). Tit. orig.: Knit Two 💛 mlol
- Kate Jacobs, Knit the Season (Friday Night Knitting Club; 3) 💛
- Pamela Sue James, The Crossed Stitcher, 2007 💜
- Brenda Janowitz, The Grace Kelly Dress ✂
- Diana Wynne Jones, Il castello errante di Howl. Tit. orig: Howl's Moving Castle
- Trudi Kanter, Ragazze, cappelli e Hitler, Edizioni e/o, Roma 2012. Tit. orig.: Some girls, some hats and Hitler ✂ mlol
- Georgia Kaufmann, La sarta di Parigi, Mondadori, Milano 2021. Tit. orig.: The dressmaker of Paris ✂ mlol
- Nicole Mary Kelby, Il vestito rosa, Frassinelli, Milano 2014. Tit. orig.: The Pink Suit ✂ mlol
- Etienne Kern, Il sarto volante, L'orma, 2022 ✂
- Julia Kröhn, La casa di moda, Giunti, Firenze 2021. Tit. orig.: Das Modehaus ✂👗 mlol
- Mary Kruger, Died in the Wool, 2005 (Knitting Mysteries; 1) 💛
- Mary Kruger, Knit Fast, Die Young, 2007 (Knitting Mysteries; 2) 💛
- Manuela Labardi, Biscotti e sospetti, Montedit, 1998 💛
- Rosalind Laker, Circle of Pearls
- Rosalind Laker, Riflessi di seta, Tea, Milano 1991. Tit. orig.: Banners of Silk
- Rosalind Laker, Tessuti d'amore, Salani, Firenze 1996. Tit. orig.: The Fortuny Gown
- Gillian Larkin, Knitting and Murder (Julia Blake Murder Mystery; 9) 💛
- Hilary Latimer, Malice in Wonderland. A Knitting Game Mistery 💛
- Claire LaZebnik, Knittting Under the Influence 💛
- John Le Carré, Il sarto di Panama, Mondadori, Milano 2020. Tit. orig.: The Tailor of Panama ✂ mlol
- Amanda Lee, The Quick and the Thread, 2010 (Embroidery Mystery; 1) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Stitch Me Deadly, 2011 (Embroidery Mystery; 2) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Thread Reckoning, 2011 (Embroidery Mystery; 3) 💜
- Amanda Lee, The Long Stitch Good Night, 2012 (Embroidery Mystery; 4) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Thread on Arrival, 2012 (Embroidery Mystery; 5) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Cross-Stitch before Dying, 2013 (Embroidery Mystery; 6) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Thread End, 2014 (Embroidery Mystery; 7) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Wicked Stitch, 2015 (Embroidery Mystery; 8) 💜
- Amanda Lee, The Stitching Hour, 2015 (Embroidery Mystery; 9) 💜
- Amanda Lee, Better Off Thread, 2016 (Embroidery Mystery; 10) 💜
- Debby Lee, Sew in Love ✂
- Natasha Lester, The Paris Seamstress ✂
- Natasha Lester, Il segreto della fotografa francese, Newton Compton, 2019. Tit. orig.: The French Photographer mlol
- Natasha Lester, Il segreto di Dior, Newton Compton, Roma 2020. Tit. orig.: The Paris Secret ✂👗 mlol
- Laurie Lico Albanese, Il filo scarlatto, Einaudi, Torino 2024. Tit. orig.: Hester 💜 mlol
- Judithe Little, Le sorelle Chanel, Tre60, Milano 2021. Tit. orig.: The Chanel sisters ✂👗
- Ken Liu, La grazia dei re. Tit. orig.: The Grace of Kings mlol
- Lorenzo Lilia Carlota, Il cappotto della macellaia, Mondadori, Milano 2016 mlol
- Maristella Lippolis, Una furtiva lacrima, Piemme, Milano 2013 ✂👗 mlol
- Lila Lockwood, Knit, Purl...Murder!, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 1) 💛
- Lila Lockwood, Dead Men Spin No Yarns, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 2) 💛
- Lila Lockwood, Once Knitted, Twice Shy, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 3) 💛
- Lila Lockwood, Ghouls Just Wanna Be Spun, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 4) 💛
- Lila Lockwood, Do Knot Piss Off the Fairies, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 5) 💛
- Lila Lockwood, Needle Little Help from My Friends, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 6) 💛
- Lila Lockwood, Casting Off Magic Beans, (A Knit Witch Mystery ; 7) 💛
- Debbie Macomber, Il negozio di Blossom Street, Mondadori, Milano 2007. Tit. orig: The Shop on Blossom Street mlol
- Debbie Macomber, Diritto e rovescio, Harlequin Mondadori, Milano 2007. Tit. orig.: A Good Yarn mlol
- Debbie Macomber, L'anno che cambiò ogni cosa, Harlequin Mondadori, Milano 2007. Tit. orig.: Susannah's Garden mlol
- Debbie Macomber, I fiori di Blossom Street, Harlequin Mondadori, 2008. Tit. orig.: Back on Blossom Street mlol
- Debbie Macomber, 20 desideri, Harlequin Mondadori, Milano 2009. Tit. orig.: Twenty Wishes mlol
- Debbie Macomber, Summer on Blossom Street, 2009 (Blossom Street; 6)
- Debbie Macomber, Hanna's List, 2010 (Blossom Street; 7)
- Debbie Macomber, A Turn in the Road, 2011 (Blossom Street; 8)
- Debbie Macomber, Starting Now, 2013 (Blossom Street; 9)
- Debbie Macomber, Blossom Street Brides, 2014 (Blossom Street; 10)
- Molly MacRae, Last Wool and Testament, 2012 (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery; 1) 💛
- Molly MacRae, Dyeing Wishes, 2013 (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery; 2) 💛
- Molly MacRae, Spinning in Her Grave, 2014 (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery; 3) 💛
- Molly MacRae, Plagued by Quilt, 2014 (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery; 4) 💛
- Molly MacRae, Knot the Usual Suspects, 2015 (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery; 5) 💛
- Molly MacRae, Crewel and Unusual, Pegasus Crime, New York 2019 (Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery; 6) 💛
- Jackie Mallon, Silk for The Feed Dogs
- Dacia Maraini, Trio: storia di due amiche, un uomo e la peste a Messina, Rizzoli, Milano 2020 💜 mlol
- Marta Marchese, Il club dell'uncinetto 💚
- Mary Marks, Forget Me Knot, 2014 (Quilting Mystery; 1) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Knot in my Backyard, 2014 (Quilting Mystery; 2) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Gone But Knot Forgotten, 2015 (Quilting Mystery; 3) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Something's Knot Kosher, 2016 (Quilting Mystery; 4) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Knot What You Think, 2017 (Quilting Mystery; 5) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Knot My Sister's Keeper, 2018 (Quilting Mystery; 6) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Knot on her Life, 2019 (Quilting Mystery; 7) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Knot on this World, 2020 (Quilting Mystery; 8) ✂💙
- Mary Marks, Knot Ready for Murder, 2021 (Quilting Mystery; 9) ✂💙
- Michelle Marly, Mademoiselle Coco e il profumo dell'amore, Giunti, Firenze 2021. Tit. orig.: Mademoiselle Coco und der Duft der Liebe ✂👗 mlol
- Jaime Marsman, The Knitting Fairy, 2012 (A Crabapple Yarns Mystery; 1) 💛
- Jaime Marsman, The Brief Haunting of Raspberry Hill, 2018 (A Crabapple Yarns Mystery; 2) 💛
- Jaime Marsman, The Knitpicker, 2019 (A Crabapple Yarns Mystery; 3) 💛
- Carol Ann Martin, Looming Murder, 2013 (Weaving Mystery; 1)
- Carol Ann Martin, Tapestry of Lies, 2014 (Weaving Mystery; 2)
- Carol Ann Martin, Weave of Absence, 2014 (Weaving Mystery; 3)
- Carol Ann Martin, Loom and Doom, 2015 (Weaving Mystery; 4)
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Knitting Can be Murder!, 2013 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 2) 💛
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Smothered in Yarn, 2013 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 3) 💛
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Granny's Crocheted Wedding Dress, 2015 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 9) 💛
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Yarn on Fire, 2015 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 10) 💛
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Knit Ahoy! Murder at Sea, 2016 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 11) 💛
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Chained to the Truth, 2016 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 12) 💛
- Jill-Ayn Martin, Knit two Together, 2017 (Two Old Biddies Mysteries; 14) 💛
- Paola Mastrocola. La memoria del cielo, Rizzoli ✂ mlol
- Nancy McGovern, Knitting With the Dead, 2019 (Return to Milburn; 5) 💛
- Carol McGrath, La rosa di Provenza, Tre60, 2024 💜
- Erin McKean, Le bugie hanno le gonne corte. Tit. orig.: The Secret Lives of Dresses mlol
- Patricia A. McKillip, Solstice Wood (Winter Rose; 2)
- Paula McKinley, Silver Threads Golden Needles, Jove Books, New York 2000
- Gil McNeil, The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club, 2008 (Jo Mackenzie; 1) 💛
- Gil McNeil, Needles and Pearls, 2008 (Jo Mackenzie; 2) 💛
- Gil McNeil, Knit One Pearl One, 2011 (Jo Mackenzie; 3) 💛
- Diane McPhail, The seamstress of New Orleans
- Susan Meissner, La sciarpa ricamata, Tea, Milano 2019. Tit. orig.: A fall of marigolds 💜
- Susan Meissner, Il segreto di Isabel, Tre60, Milano 2019. Tit. orig.: Secrets of a charmed life
- Judith Michael, Un certo sorriso, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2000. Tit. orig: A certain smile 👗
- Sonia Milan, La primogenita, Garzanti, Milano 2024 👗
- Yukio Mishima, La scuola della carne, Feltrinelli, Milano 2014. Tit. orig.: Nikutai no gakko 👗 mlol
- Valeria Montaldi, Il filo di luce, Rizzoli, Milano 2022 mlol
- Marta Morazzoni, Il rovescio dell'abito, Guanda, 2022 ✂ mlol
- Nancy Moser, The Pattern Artist
- Veronique Mougin, Il filo di Auschwitz, Corbaccio, 2019. Tit. orig.: Ou passe l'aiguille mlol
- Christiana Moreau, Cachemire rosso, Tea, Milano 2022. Tit. orig.: Cachemire rouge mlol
- Pamela Murrey, Crochet Chess (Crochet Mysteries; 1) 💚
- Pamela Murrey, The Mystery of the Crochet Chess Set (Crochet Mysteries; 2) 💚
- William Norwich, My Mrs Brown
- Kayte Nunn, La casa della seta, Newton Compton, 2021. Tit. orig.: The Silk House
- Aldo Palazzeschi, Le sorelle Materassi, Mondadori, Milano 2017 💜 mlol audiolibro raiplay
- Helena Paoli, La maga tessitrice, Fanucci 2019 (La figlia del cielo; 1)
- Silvia Paoli, Lost in fashion (o la moda o la vita), Baldini Castoldi Dalai, Milano 2009 👗
- Annamaria Pappalardi, Il rovescio del ricamo, Il Grillo, 2017 💜
- Beth Pattillo, The Sweetgum Knit Lit Society, 2008 (Sweetgum Knit; 1) 💛
- Beth Pattillo, The Sweetgum Ladies Knit for Love, 2009 (Sweetgum Knit; 2) 💛
- Tamora Pierce, Sandry's Book (Circle of Magic; 1)
- Elena Pigozzi, L'ultima ricamatrice, Piemme, Milano 2020 💜✂ mlol
- Bianca Pitzorno, Il sogno della macchina da cucire, Bompiani, Milano 2018 ✂ mlol
- Frances de Pontes Peebles, The seamstress
- Nuria Pradas, Un atelier a Barcellona, Salani, 2018
- Cate Price, Going Through the Notions, 2013 (Deadly Notions Mystery; 1)
- Cate Price, A Dollhouse to Die For, 2014 (Deadly Notions Mystery; 2)
- Cate Price, Lie of the Needle, 2015 (Deadly Notions Mystery; 3)
- Riikka Pulkkinen, L'armadio dei vestiti dimenticati, Garzanti, Milano 2012. Tit. orig.: Totta 👗 mlol
- Laura Purcell, Il filo avvelenato, Mondadori, Milano. Tit. orig: The Poison Thread mlol
- Chiara Rapaccini, Baires, Fazi, Roma 2016 mlol
- Francesco Recami, Il caso Kakoiannis-Sforza, Sellerio, palermo 2016 mlol
- Ulrike Renk, Gli anni di seta, Tre60 2020 (Il destino di una famiglia; 1). Tit. orig.: Jahre aus Seide
- Ulrike Renk, Gli anni di cristallo, Tre60 2021 (Il destino di una famiglia; 2). Tit. orig.: Zeit aus Glas
- Ulrike Renk, Gli anni della luce, Tre60 2021 (Il destino di una famiglia; 3). Tit. orig.: Tage des Lichts
- Ulrike Renk, Gli anni di velluto, Tre60 2022 (Il destino di una famiglia; 4). Tit. orig.: Träume aus Samt
- Ugo Riccarelli, L'amore graffia il mondo, Mondadori, Milano 2015 ✂👗 mlol
- Brigitte Riebe, Una vita da ricostruire, Fazi, Roma 2021 (Le sorelle del Ku'damm; 1). Tit. orig.: Jahre des Aufbaus ✂👗 mlol
- Brigitte Riebe, Giorni felici, Fazi, Roma 2021 (Le sorelle del Ku'damm; 2). Tit. orig.: Wunderbare Zeiten ✂👗 mlol
- Brigitte Riebe, Il tempo della speranza, Fazi, Roma 2022 (Le sorelle del Ku'damm; 3). tit. orig.: Tage der Hoffnung ✂👗
- Brigitte Riebe, Ein Neuer Morgen (Die Schwestern vom Ku'damm; 4) ✂👗
- Brigitte Riebe, Weihnachten am Ku'damm (Die Schwestern vom Ku'damm) ✂👗
- Sheri Richey, Murder All Sewn Up, (A Carom Seed Cozy ; 1) ✂
- Sheri Richey, Tailor Made Terror, (A Carom Seed Cozy ; 2) ✂
- Sheri Richey, A Fitting End, (A Carom Seed Cozy ; 3) ✂
- Ana Lena Rivera, Le ragazze della Singer, Piemme, Milano 2024. Tit. orig.: Las Herederas de la Singer ✂ mlol
- Ester Rizzo, Le ricamatrici, Navarra, 2018 💜
- Nora Roberts, Il fascino dell'inganno, Nord, Milano 2006. Tit. orig.: Immortal in death 👗
- Jennifer Robson, Le ricamatrici della regina, HarperCollins, Milano 2019. Tit. orig.: The Gown 💜 mlol
- Jane L. Rosen, Un tubino è per sempre. Tit. orig.: Nine Women, one Dress ✂👗 mlol
- Claudia Ryan, La ricamatrice di Bayeux, Nardini, Firenze 2021 💜
- Arlene Sachitano, Quilt as Desired, 2007 (Loose Threads Mystery; 1) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Quilter's Knot, 2008 (Loose Threads Mystery; 2) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Quilt As You Go, 2009 (Loose Threads Mystery; 3) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Quilt by Association, 2010 (Loose Threads Mystery; 4) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, The Quilt Before the Storm, 2012 (Loose Threads Mystery; 5) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Make Quilts Not War, 2013 (Loose Threads Mystery; 6) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, A Quilt in Time, 2014 (Loose Threads Mystery; 7) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Crazy as a Quilt, 2015 (Loose Threads Mystery; 8) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Disappearing Nine Patch, 2016 (Loose Threads Mystery; 9) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Double Wedding Death, 2017 (Loose Threads Mystery; 10) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, Quilts Make a Family, 2018 (Loose Threads Mystery; 11) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, The 12 Quilts of Christmas, 2019 (Loose Threads Mystery; 12) ✂
- Arlene Sachitano, A Quilt of a Different Color, 2021 (Loose Threads Mystery; 13) ✂
- Marinella Savino, La sartoria di via Chiatamone, Nutrimenti, Roma 2019 ✂ mlol
- Pamela Schoenewaldt, Straniera, Ianieri, Pescara 2018. Tit. orig.: When we were strangers mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Knit One, Kill Two, 2011 (A Knitting Mystery; 1) 💛 mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Needled to Death, 2005 (A Knitting Mystery; 2) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, A Deadly Yarn, 2006 (A Knitting Mystery; 3) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, A Killer Stitch, 2007 (A Knitting Mystery; 4) 💛 mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Dyer Consequences, 2008 (A Knitting Mystery; 5) 💛 mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Fleece Navidad, 2008 (A Knitting Mystery; 6) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Dropped Dead Stitch, 2009 (A Knitting Mystery; 7) 💛 mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Skein of the Crime, 2010 (A Knitting Mystery; 8) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Unraveled, 2011 (A Knitting Mystery; 9) 💛 mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Cast On, Kill Off, 2012 (A Knitting Mystery; 10) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Close Knit Killer, 2013 (A Knitting Mystery; 11) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Yarn over Murder, 2014 (A Knitting Mystery; 12) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Purl Up and Die, 2015 (A Knitting Mystery; 13) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Knit to be Tied, 2016 (A Knitting Mystery; 14) 💛
- Maggie Sefton, Only Skein Deep, 2017 (A Knitting Mystery; 15) 💛 mlol
- Maggie Sefton, Dyeing Up Loose Ends, 2018 (A Knitting Mystery; 16) 💛
- Elvira Seminara, Atlante degli abiti smessi, Einaudi, Torino 2015 👗
- Bulbul Sharma, Il sarto di Giripul, O barra O, Milano 2014 ✂ mlol
- Susan Sleeman, A Deadly Stitch
- Gianfranco Sorge, Se avessi avuto gli occhi neri, goWare, 2020 ✂👗
- Elaine Spaan, Murder, Mystery & Dating Mayhem, 2015 (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives Book; 1) 💛
- Elaine Spaan, Jack gets his Man, 2015 (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives Book; 2) 💛
- Elaine Spaan, Love in the Time of Murder, 2015 (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives Book; 3) 💛
- Elaine Spaan, Where There's Smoke, There's Arson, 2021 (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives Book; 4) 💛
- Elaine Spaan, Hold the Cofee, 2021 (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives Book; 5) 💛
- Elaine Spaan, How the Wall Crumbles, 2021 (The Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives Book; 6) 💛
- Maurizio Spano, La ricamatrice, Amazon Italia, Torrazza Piemonte, 2020 💜
- Madeleine St John, Le signore in nero, Garzanti, 2021. Tit. orig.: The Women in Black 👗 mlol
- Domenico Starnone, Via Gemito, Feltrinelli, Milano 2000 mlol
- Danielle Steel, L'abito da sposa, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 2021. Tit. orig.: The Wedding Dress 👗 mlol
- Sarah Steele, Il grand tour di Nancy Moon, Feltrinelli, Milano 2020. - Tit. orig.: The Missing Pieces of Nancy Moon ✂👗 mlol
- Kate Strasdin, Il diaroi di Mrs Anne Skyes. Una vita in abiti e stoffe, Feltrinelli, Milano 2024. Tit. orig.: The dress diary of Mrs Anne Skyes
- Lucy Sykes e Jo piazza, All'inferno non c'è glamour. Tit. orig.: The Knockoff 👗 mlol
- Terri Thayer, Wild Goose Chase, 2008 (Quilting Mystery; 1) ✂💙
- Terri Thayer, Old Maid's Puzzle, 2008 (Quilting Mystery; 2) ✂💙
- Terri Thayer, Ocean Waves, 2009 (Quilting Mystery; 3) ✂💙
- Terri Thayer, Monkey Wrench, 2012 (Quilting Mystery; 4) ✂💙
- Liz Trenow, Il mercante di seta, Newton Compton, Roma 2018. Tit. orig.: The silk weaver mlol
- Liz Trenow, La ragazza che cuciva lettere d'amore. Tit. orig.: The Forgotten Seamstress
- Adriana Trigiani, Una famiglia italiana, Tre60, Milano 2020. Tit. orig.: The Queen of the big time
- Adriana Trigiani, Lucia Lucia, Tea, Milano 2019. Tit. orig.: Lucia Lucia
- Adriana Trigiani, La sposa italiana, Tea, Milano 2021. Tit. orig.: The Shoemaker's Wife
- Ilaria Tuti, Come vento cucito alla terra, Longanesi, Milano 2022 💜 mlol
- Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, La piccola sarta di Kabul. Tit. orig.: The Dressmaker of Khair Khana ✂ mlol
- Angela Vallvey, Lezioni di felicità, Guanda, Parma 2004. Tit. orig.: Los estados carenciales 👗
- Fiona Valpy, Il segreto della sarta di Parigi, Newton Compton, Roma 2021. Tit. orig.: The Dressmaker's Gift ✂ mlol
- Sonia Velton, Black berry and wild rose (in francese: Le bruit de la soie)
- Ann Grace Veryl, Murder Spins a Tale, 2010 (A Flock and Fiber Mystery; 1)
- Ann Grace Veryl, Murder Comes Unraveled, 2010 (A Flock and Fiber Mystery; 2)
- Ann Grace Veryl, Murder to Dye For, 2020 (A Flock and Fiber Mystery; 3)
- Elena Vestri, Mai dire mai più, Giunti, Milano 2019 ✂ mlol
- Marco Vichi, La casa di tolleranza: tre avventure del commissario Bordelli, Guanda, Milano 2021 💛 mlol
- Andrea Vitali, La gita in barchetta, Garzanti, Milano 2021 ✂ mlol
- Andrea Vitali, La modista, Garzanti, Milano 2008 ✂ mlol
- Andrea Vitali, Premiata ditta Sorelle Ficcadenti, Rizzoli, Milano 2014 ✂ mlol
- Lea Wait, Twisted Threads, 2015 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 1)
- Lea Wait, Threads of Evidence, 2015 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 2)
- Lea Wait, Thread and Gone, 2015 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 3)
- Lea Wait, Dangling by a Thread, 2016 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 4)
- Lea Wait, Tightening the Threads, 2017 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 5)
- Lea Wait, Thread the Halls, 2017 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 6)
- Lea Wait, Thread Herrings, 2018 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 7)
- Lea Wait, Thread on Arrival, 2019 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 8)
- Lea Wait, Thread and Buried, 2020 (Mainely Needlepoint Mystery; 9)
- Nancy Warren, The Vampire Knitting Club, 2018 (Vampire Knitting Club; 1) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Stitches and Witches, 2018 (Vampire Knitting Club; 2) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Crochet and Cauldrons, 2018 (Vampire Knitting Club; 3) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Stocking and Spells, 2018 (Vampire Knitting Club; 2) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Purls and Potions, 2019 (Vampire Knitting Club; 5) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Fair Isle and Fortunes, 2019 (Vampire Knitting Club; 6) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Lace and Lies, 2019 (Vampire Knitting Club; 7) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Bobbles and Broomsticks, 2018 (Vampire Knitting Club; 8) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Cat's Paws and Curses, 2019 (Vampire Knitting Club; 8.5) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Popcorn and Proltergeists, 2020 (Vampire Knitting Club; 9) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Garters and Gargoyles, 2020 (Vampire Knitting Club; 10) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Diamonds and Daggers, 2020 (Vampire Knitting Club; 11) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Herringbones and Hexes, 2021 (Vampire Knitting Club; 12) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Ribbing and Runes, 2021 (Vampire Knitting Club; 13) 💛
- Nancy Warren, Mosaics and Magic, 2022 (Vampire Knitting Club; 14) 💛
- Aliske Webb, Dodici fili d'oro, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 1999. Tit. orig.: Twelve Golden Threads
- Susan Wiggs, Il filo dell'amicizia, HarperCollins, Milano 2020. Tit. orig.: The Oysterville Sewing Circle mlol
- Oswald Wynd, L'albero dello zenzero, Garzanti, Milano 2021. Tit. orig.: The Ginger Tree mlol
- Oswald Wynd, La sposa della seta, Garzanti, Milano 2022. Tit. orig.: Black Fountains mlol
- Mingmei Yip, Secret of a Thousand Beauties
- Paul Yoon, La riva del silenzio, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2014. Tit. orig.: Snow Hunters mlol
- Laura Zigman, L'appuntamento perfetto, Mondadori, Milano 2000. Tit. orig.: Dating big bird 👗
- Emile Zola, Al paradiso delle signore, BUR Rizzoli, Milano 2016 👗 mlol
Needlework Fiction Books for Kids
- Hans Christian Andersen, I vestiti nuovi dell'imperatore, Nuages, Milano 2013 ✂ età: 6+ mlol
- Hans Christian Andersen, Il vestito invisibile, Arka, Milano 1992 ✂ età: 6+
- Mac Barnett, Filo magico, Terre di Mezzo, Milano 2016 💛 età: 4+
- Tanya Robin Batt, La fabbrica dei sogni di stoffa, IdeeAli, Trezzano sul Naviglio 2000 ✂ età: 7+
- Clementine Beauvais, Baby top model, Settenove, Cagli 2016 👗 età: 8+
- Olivia Bennett, Stilista per caso, Mondadori, Milano 2014 👗 età: 11+
- Sophia Bennett, Un sogno su misura, Piemme, Milano 2012 👗età: 13+
- Sophia Bennett, Sfilare o rinunciare?, Piemme, Milano 2012 👗 età: 13+
- Giuseppe Bonaviri, Il sarto della stradalunga, Sellerio, Palermo 2020 ✂ età: 10+
- Silvia Borando, Zebra dalla sarta, Minibombo, Reggio Emilia, 2019 ✂ età: 0-3
- Jenny Broom, Il vestito nuovo di Babbo Natale, Gallucci, Roma 2013 ✂ età:4+
- Davide Calì, Carlo Cucito e la fiera del fumetto, Lapis, Roma 2019 ✂ età: 7+
- Justin D'Ath, Cacca verde e pecore marziane, Piemme Junior, Casale Monferrato 2000. Tit. orig.: Why did the Chykkan cross the galaxy? 💛 età: 7-11
- Tina Davis, Guarda e cuci: un libro di cucito anche per bambini, Corraini, Mantova 2006 ✂ età:
- Amy De La Haye, Clara Button a Londra: Una giornata magica, Donzelli, Roma 2012 👗 età: 6+
- Amy De La Haye, Clara Button: un matrimonio a sorpresa, Donzelli, Roma 2013 👗 età: 6+
- Laura Fistarol, Oscar, il topo stilista, San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2004 👗 età: 7+
- Miriam Giuberti, Il sarto arabo e la luna, Il Torchio, Milano 1993 ✂ età:
- Annie Goetzinger, La ragazza indossava Dior, Bao Publishing, Milano 2014 👗 età:
- Jacques Goldstyn, Tricot, LupoGuido Datanova, Milano 2021. Tit. orig.: Le Tricot 💛 età: 6+
- Jakob Grimm, I doni del piccolo popolo, C'era una volta, Pordenone 1995 ✂ età: 6+
- Jakob Grimm, Il gigante e il sarto, C'era una volta, Pordenone 1995 ✂ età: 4+
- Steven Guarnaccia, Cenerentola: una favola alla moda, Corraini, Mantova 2013 👗 età: 4+
- Annemarie Van Haeringen, Coco: una fiaba moderna all'insegna dell'eleganza, White Star, Novara 2016 👗 età: 7+
- Penny Ives, La coperta della nonna, Elle, Trieste 1993 ✂ età: 6+
- Allen Kurzweil, Leon e il ritratto spuntato, Fabbri, Milano 2004 ✂ età: 10+
- Gisella Laterza, La signora dei gomitoli e altre fiabe su e giù per l'Italia, Rizzoli, Milano 2017 💛 età:
- Anna Lavatelli e Lisa Merighi, Ago e filo, Storie cucite, Milano 2020 ✂ età: 6+
- Anna Lavatelli, La stoffa rossa, Piemme, Milano 2011 ✂ età: 4+
- Magali Le Huche, Ettore: l'uomo straordinariamente forte, Settenove, Cagli 2013 💛 età: 4+
- Kate Lee, Il vestito di Babbo Natale, Emme, San Dorligo della Valle 2003 ✂ età: 3+
- Elizabeth Lenhard, It's a Purl Thing, 2005 (Chicks with Sticks; 1) 💛 età: 10+
- Elizabeth Lenhard, Knit two together, 2006 (Chicks with Sticks; 2) 💛 età: 10+
- Elizabeth Lenhard, Knitwise, 2006 (Chicks with Sticks; 3) 💛 età: 10+
- Raffaella Leone, Un filo di lana rosso, Secop, Corato 2013 💛 età: 8+
- Kyo MacLear, Bloom, la storia di una stilista: Elsa Schiaparelli, HarperCollins, Milano 2019 👗 età: 7+
- Beatrice Masini, Fili, Arka, Milano 2004 💛 età: 4+
- Beatrice Masini, Una sposa buffa, buffissima, bellissima, Arka, Milano 2002 ✂ età: 4+
- Sarah Mazzetti, I gioielli di Elsa, Canicola, Bologna 2017 👗 età: 9+
- Isabel Minhos Martins, Yara Kono, Pecorella dammi lana, Kalandraka Italia, Firenze 2011💛 età: 4+
- Manuela Monari, C'è un filo..., San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2021 età: 6+
- Elena Mora, Vigilia di festa: è Halloween e non ho niente da mettermi, Piemme Junior, Casale Monferrato, 2003 👗 età: 9+
- James Nicol, L'incantesimo dell'ago e del filo, Garzanti, Milano 2024. Tit. orig.: The Spell Tailors ✂ età 9+
- Roberta Pagnoni, 1, 2, 3... 10 coniglietti, La Coccinella, Varese 1999 ✂ età:
- Alberto Pellai, Io gomitolo, tu filo, De Agostini, Milano 2021 💛 età: 3+
- Jayde Perkin, Il maglione della mamma, Salani, Milano 2021 💛 età: 6+
- Gill Pittar, Milly, Molly e la coperta patchwork, EDT, Torino 2009 ✂ età:
- Sieb Posthuma, Il signor Paltò, Gribaudo, Milano 2016 👗 età: 6+
- Guia Risari, Il filo della speranza, Settenove, Cagli 2022 💜 età: 11+
- Christelle Saquet, Un vestito nuovo per Babbo Natale, Emme, San Dorligo della Valle 2018 ✂ età: 3+
- Stephane Servant, Ma che roba è?, Terre di Mezzo, Milano 2016 ✂ età: 3+
- Cristiana Soriano, Ali di lana, Sassi, Schio 2021 💛 età:
- William Steig, Irene la coraggiosa, Rizzoli Illustrated, Milano 2017 ✂ età: 5+
- Geronimo Stilton, A tu per tu con Coco Chanel: la stilista che rivoluzionò la moda femminile, Piemme, Milano 2021 👗 età: 7+
- Tea Stilton, Amiche per la moda, Piemme, Milano 2016 👗 età: 10+
- Agostino Traini, La pecora Ornella e i ladri di lana, EL, San Dorligo della Valle 2006 💛 età: 5+
- Vavoute, I vestiti della regina, Salani, Milano 2021 ✂ età:8+
- Silvia Vignale, L'oca Olivia lavora a maglia, Emme, San Dorligo della Valle, 2010 💛 età: 5+
- Mariella Vitale, Sfida all'ultimo uncinetto, Il Castello, Cornaredo 2021 💚 età: 6+
- Anna Vivarelli, Il vestito dei miei sogni, Il leone verde, Torino 2016 ✂ età: 4+
- Jen Wang, Il principe e la sarta, Bao Publishing, 2019 ✂👗 età: 12+
- Katherine Woodfine, Il vestito dei sogni di Rose, Sinnos, Roma, 2020 👗 età: 7+
- Lucy Adlington, Le sarte di Auschwitz: la storia vera delle ragazze sopravvissute all'inferno grazie al loro talento, Rizzoli, Milano 2022. Tit. orig.: The dressmakers of Auschwitz ✂ mlol
- Clare Hunter, I fili della vita: una storia del mondo attraverso la cruna dell'ago, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020. Tit. orig: Threads of life 💜 mlol
- Clare Hunter, Embroidering her truth: Mary, Queen of Scots and the language of power, Odder and Stoughton, 2022 💜
- Loretta Napoleoni, Sul filo di lana: come riconnetterci gli uni con gli altri, Mondadori, Milano 2020 💛 mlol